AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and LLM Group

Mission: Promote Interest, research, awareness and training on recent advances and algorithms in AI. Applications of AI in other domains like Medical research and Cybersecurity

Main Activities: Stay current with the latest advances in AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and LLM. Holding Technical activities like webinars in the wide area of AI among interested community in Jordan and other sections. Organizing national contests among universities and possibly schools’ students in the field of AI. Connect and do common activities with similar groups in other sections.

Upcoming Masterclasses

Previous Masterclasses

1- Leveraging AI in Medical Education & Health Care – 7th December 2024

About Speaker:
Dr. Mona Hmoud AlSheikh
MBBS, PhD physiology, MHPE, FF, Academic Accreditation and Assessment , Keele University, Diploma AI.
Associate Professor
Head of the Research and Innovation Unit, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU)
Vice-president of Saudi Society for Medical Education
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed medical education and healthcare delivery by introducing innovative tools and systems that enhance learning, assessment, and clinical decision-making. In medical education, AI-driven intelligent tutoring systems provide personalized feedback, adaptive testing, and simulation-based training, allowing students to develop clinical reasoning, procedural skills, and communication competencies. Applications such as virtual patient simulations, surgical skill evaluations, and AI-generated progress tracking have revolutionized practical skills training, fostering continuous improvement and competency.

In healthcare, AI technologies such as machine learning algorithms and large language models (LLMs) are increasingly applied in diagnostics and treatment planning. AI enables the integration and analysis of large datasets, improving diagnostic accuracy and optimizing patient outcomes. Despite its potential, challenges such as bias, lack of transparency in algorithms, and ethical concerns regarding privacy and accountability remain significant barriers to widespread adoption.

This study aims to explore the multifaceted applications of AI in medical education and healthcare, highlighting its benefits, limitations, and future directions. By examining current AI-driven interventions and their impact, this research seeks to inform strategies for effective integration into education and clinical practice, ensuring that these technologies complement human expertise rather than replace it

2- Deep Learning for Biomedical Signal Processing 4th January 2025 – 17:00 (+3 GMT)

About Speaker:
Professor Awad Al-Zaben is a distinguished faculty member in the Biomedical Systems and Medical Informatics Department at Yarmouk University.  Holding master’s and doctoral degrees from Colorado State University, USA. His research expertise include  biomedical signal processing, pattern recognition, and classification; medical electronics and instrumentation; and biomedical modeling. He has contributed significantly to the field with numerous journal publications and two patents: one for impedance analysis of esophageal maladies and another for esophageal waveform analysis for detecting and quantifying reflux episodes. A Senior Member of the IEEE and co-founder of the IEEE EMBS Jordan Chapter.  Professor Al-Zaben’s achievements have been recognized with several awards, including the Philadelphia University Award for best patent (2016) and the Hisham Hijjawi Academic Distinction Awards for both teaching and scientific research (2005).
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The lecture will cover the basics of machine learning with applications in biomedical signal processing. Topics covered in the lecture include:
  • Biomedical Signals
  • Machine Learning Stages
  • Neural Network (NN) Architectures and Other Machine Learning Architectures
  • Deep Learning
  • Biomedical Signal Processing Application Examples”


To be added as soon as possible

3- AI and advances in the Medical sector (an Incomplete tale)

About Speaker:
Dr. M. Sohel Rahman is a Professor of the CSE department of BUET. He had worked as a Visiting Research Fellow of King’s College London, UK during 2008-2011 and again as a Visiting Senior Research Fellow there during 2014-15. He is a Senior Member of IEEE; member of American Mathematical Society (AMS) and London Mathematical Society (LMS). He is also a Peer-review College Member of EPSRC, UK. He has been honoured as a Distinguished Member of the ACM for “Trailblazing Achievements across Computing Field”. He has also been recognized as a Distinguished Contributor of IEEE Computer Society for his technical contributions to the profession and the society. He is a Fellow of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences and Bangladesh Computer Society.
He received different scholarships and fellowships including Commonwealth Scholarship, Commonwealth Fellowship, ACU Titular Fellowship, University College London-Big Data Institute visiting grant, London Mathematical Society Visiting Grant etc. He is also a recipient of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal and UGC Award. He has led research and development projects funded by British Council, UGC-World Bank, ICT Division, Government of Bangladesh and BUET. He has so far published 120 peer-reviewed international journal papers. Among his notable results are the work on MultiResUNet (an improvement over the U-Net, which is the de-facto architecture for medical imaging segmentation tasks), high dimensional Knapscak problems, sequence alignment problems, data structures and string combinatorics, sufficient conditions for Hamiltoninicity, Machine Learning based predictors in Bioinformatics, and metaheuristics solutions for hard problems.
Dr. Rahman is an Editor of Neural Networks journal, Academic Editor of PLOS One, Associate Editor of BMC Bioinformatics and BMC Research Notes and had edited special issues as guest editors in Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Fundamenta Informaticae etc. He has also served as Program Committee members in a number of conference series’ of international repute. Dr. Rahman regularly writes reviews at Mathematical Review and ACM Computing Review. He currently holds the appointment of a Distinguished Speaker of both ACM and IEEE Computer Society. He has been included in the Stanford/Elsevier list, highlighting the top 2% of the most cited scientists across the globe.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionize the medical sector. With tremendous advances in machine learning and deep learning algorithms, we now have the ability to make more decisions based on data leveraging its capability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. It is not possible to cover the advancement of AI in the medical field in just one talk. Therefore, in this talk we will focus on some unique and state of the art technologies like CRISPR/Cas9 and present some recent research progresses thereon. The overarching goal of this talk would be to discuss the enormous prospect of AI, particularly that of ML and DL techniques and how these can shape the future of the medical sector.