
Executive Committee

CodePen - Executive Committee

Mousa AL-Akhras


Khalid Jaber

Vice Chair

Ala' Khalifeh

Past Chair

Yusra Obeidat


Abdullah Qusef


Mohammed Abdelmajeed

Secretary-General Activities

Chapters’ Chairs

CodePen - Chapters' Chairs

Mohammed Abdelmajeed

Chair of CIS / CS Joint

Luae' Altarawneh

Chair of ComSoc

Sahban Alnaser

Chair of PES/DEIS Joint

Mutaz Ryalat

Chair of RAS

Mohammad Salah

Chair of IAS

Hisham Almoaqet

Chair of EMBS

Affinity Groups’ Chairs

CodePen - AGs' Chairs Responsive Team Section Using HTML , CSS , Bootstrap

Mohammed Khader

Section Hestorian &
Chair of Life Members

Mustafa Aqrabawe

Chair of YP (GOLD)

Yusra Obeidat

Chair of WIE

Appointed Officers

CodePen - Appointed Officers Responsive Team Section Using HTML , CSS , Bootstrap

Malak Abdullah

Student Activities Coordinator

Nasir-Adeen Abuawwad

Membership Development Coordinator

Samer Zawaydeh

Industrial Relations Coordinator

Hebah Sofan

Chair of SIGHT

Deyaa Adam


Jafar Alkhadrawi

Section Student Representative

Moe'en Azar

Treasurer Assistant

Laith Tuffaha

Educational Activities

Mohammad Alqasem

International Relations

Sarah Yaser

Social Media Officer